The Brothel of Amsterdam
Despite its tongue-in-cheek name, The Brothel of Amsterdam is on a serious mission: supporting farmers, butchers and animals, not the meat industry. And this is what they do with their broth.
The Brothel of Amsterdam uses the forgotten parts of the animal. No concentrates, no preservative, no shortcuts, just simmering bones from local cattle raised on real pastures, over an extended amount of time to extract minerals, collagen, and other nutrients into a broth.
They’ve researched many different traditions from Europe to China and -in collaboration with holistic health professionals- they created a range of recipes.
Every batch of their broth is slowly simmered for up to 96 (beef) or 36 (chicken) hours. This lengthy cooking process allows the extraction of most nutrients and flavor from each ingredient.
Try and buy at the Green is Golden Market.